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  I began the Discord and blog due to my love of the 1988 Wasteland computer game and everything that evolved from it (the Fallout franchise, the Wasteland sequels and Encased, just to name a few.) My hope was to run a campaign that captured the flavor of the original game. I love post-apocalyptic stuff, whether it's Mad Max movies (maybe not so much the new one coming out,)  the string of 80s knockoffs, Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn, the Thundarr the Barbarian cartoon, all of it. I was looking at the nuts and bolts of the original Wasteland to figure out what system would serve it best. That led me to the Wretched games (including Wretched Apocalypse) by the Red Room (Miguel Ribeiro and Silvia Clemente) which I was already familiar with. I spoke with Miguel and he's graciously allowed me to post a modified, pared down version of Wretched Apocalypse on the Discord when it's all done. I also had the idea of a shared campaign setting, where various players are inte

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