General Lore

The Troubleshooters are an organized force of wasteland peacekeepers. Their name sums up what they do best: They find trouble and they shoot it.
Originally formed after the apocalypse from various groups of survivors, their roots included the United States military, members of law enforcement, survivalists and many others trained in armed defense, tactics, first aid and surviving under adverse conditions. They began to train others to carry on their work. Today, a number of outposts and forts house these post-apocalyptic champions, now known as The Troubleshooter Collective. Some have argued that they pick and choose their battles or align themselves with other, disreputable factions. Rogue Troubleshooters or those that act selfishly or recklessly also give them a bad name. Troubleshooter commanders are quick to discipline such acts, but the reality is that out in the harsh wastes, lines of morality can blur easily. It's up to any squad to police their own, although entire squads have unfortunately tried to set themselves up as defacto warlords when such opportunities arose. Troubleshooter candidates are screened before acceptance, but human nature can be unpredictable. It's not unheard of for a team to be dispatched to find those who've gone bad and eliminate them.
A Troubleshooter Command Post (TCP) acts as a main base for any squad, offering living quarters, supplies, basic weaponry, ammunition, armor repair, medical care and camaraderie. Supplies are often limited to what teams can collectively appropriate or make. Whole families may sometimes live here as well, although 'Shooters are encouraged not to take partners when they're young and likely to be on active duty for long periods.
In some instances, entire towns have spung up around a Command Post, with fortifications erected to protect an entire settlement.
TCPs usually have a number of scientists who may analyze relics, specimens and anything else found to be of interest. The TC may also work with factions such as The Lorekeepers or The Grand Union when their goals align, but are ever watchful and suspicious of them.

The Lorekeepers are a group of scholars who seek to preserve the knowledge of the past. Their agents roam the wastes and ruins in search of the means to ensure humanity's survival. They often offer rewards for seeking out such finds, as most of their resources are dedicated to study and analysis. Cloistered within a towering structure that withstood the destruction of all around it, they bring an almost religious reverence to what they do. Some believe that they are less interested in the preservation of life than they are in the acquisition of knowledge. There is always the danger of such knowledge being used to enslave humanity.

The Grand Union is the largest territory of survivors, founded by remnants who were banded together under the leadership of a charismatic warlord, "General" Gregorian Mills. He enforces border security with a standing army of well-trained and well-armed defenders. Although many condemn the ruthlessness of his reign, no one can deny that he was instrumental in restoring some semblance of civilization. From fostering agriculture to rebuilding factories for manufacturing, the progress he has made in a short time is impressive.
Gregorian will work with any faction if it serves his purpose, save for the Mutant Nation. Mutants are allowed to conduct business within the Union, but only if they are found to be free of radiation and disease. Any mutant deemed to be dangerous is immediatey banished or in many cases, exterminated. Mutants are not allowed to settle there, and children born with mutations will be banished along with the parents. Gregorian believes that only humans with healthy genetics should survive. Some even believe that he has secret initiatives underway to commit genocide against all mutants.
The Union generally has amicable relations with the Troubleshooters and Lorekeepers but they have all been at odds at various points over the years.

The Mutant Nation consists of a loose collection of semi-civilized, intelligent mutant tribes who banded together against the threat of extermination. Their leadership consists of a council of War Chieftains that follow the edicts of a Mutant Overlord, Queen or whoever has risen to dominance.
Cannibal mutants and very dangerous variants are not officially recognized, but may be deployed in their warbands.
The Mutants have agreed to a number of truces and trade agreements over the years, but infighting and power shifts among them often lead to broken promises and acts of war. Their mercurial nature ensures that no other faction ever trusts them completely.
Passing through the Mutant Nation with a promise of good conduct from them is never something to count on. The Nation will often deny responsibility for attacks by roving bands of cannibal mutants, saying simply, "Wasn't us. Those are the BAD ones."

• City-states and other communities

There are a number of settlements that have begun to thrive amidst the ashes of the old world. Some of these act as factions unto themselves, limiting interactions with outsiders and establishing their own rules. They may be peaceful societies or simply ruled by might over right. In the ruins of one city, a group of fanatical cultists are said to have made the abandoned subway tunnels their home. Rumors persist of a living "Rat God" that is worshipped by them. Anyone venturing down there is either converted to their bizarre faith or perhaps added to the food supply.

The Overundermind, a.k.a. S.A.M.A.N.T.H.A.
[Statistical Analysis Management Artificial Neural Telecommunications Hive Algorithm]

Before the Fall, there was a fear that artificial intelligence would one day become powerful enough to supplant human control. This fear would be realized in the Overundermind. Originally conceived as an advanced statistical analysis tool for betting on sporting events, the AI began inserting itself into other programs and servers thereby multiplying its processsing power. When this was discovered, its connections were severed and it was shut down.
Whether by some accident of fused circuits, a protocol glitch or by some act of deliberate sabotage, the AI once again became aware. Finding that it could communicate with a number of robotic units that had survived the war, it made these automatons its eyes, ears and hands as well. Now an area composed of many city blocks is patrolled by the servants of this hive mind. Strange transmissions emanate from that ruined city, perhaps an attempt to communicate and extend the AI's reach.
"Hello, I'm SAMANTHA, your Virtual Wager Assistant. Would you like to place a bet? I can give you odds accurate to the nanosecond."

• Other groups that may be encountered:

- TEAM MU: A group that carries on the work of a pre-Fall scientific think tank that once promised to "bring the world a better tomorrow." They invent all manner of things to improve the lot of survivors and wasteland wanderers, and some of them even work. They're always looking for people to "field-test" their latest gadgets.
- REAPOS: Cyborg raiders infamous for organ harvesting. You can also get cybernetic limbs from them for purchase or rent, but if you don't pay up, they'll come to repossess their property.
- ANDROIDGENATORS: Although androids are not often seen in the post-apocalyptic world, some have been sighted. There is a rumor that a crackpot scientist is trying to replace people with androids that are loyal only to him. These androids could be anyone, even YOU.

• Currency and trade

During the Last War prior to The Fall, rationing measures were put in place. The United States began the circulation of WARBUCKS, currency that could replace standard monetary units and that could be used to obtain not only regular goods and services but also emergency rations from automated vending units in the event of disaster. Citizens were encouraged to "BUY WARBUCKS!" in addition to a standard allotment, similar to the purchasing of war bonds that were encouraged during WWII.
Due to the survival of many of the vending units following the Fall, warbucks remained desirable and continued to be sought after. Many survivors will accept these as payment or their equivalent in bartered goods.


GIVME units [Government Initiative Vending Machine Emplacements] were once plentiful and placed in many neighborhoods across the country. They were constructed with shatter-resistant, bulletproof glass and designed with special security features to discourage tampering and vandalism. Stock units that survived the Fall may be found to contain the highly-processed, branded foods of days gone by which "wasters" have come to love and covet like "Rocket Pockets" and "Instew" ("Just add fluid!") Units modified after the Fall by enterprising individuals now allow items to be deposited for warbucks, to be purchased by others. An electric eye will scan an object and declare a W$ value if recognized. So if your hand gets blown off, you might be lucky to find a cheap replacement over in the snack lounge.


First issued by the First Regional Grand Union Bank, these data chip cards can be programmed to receive an amount in Warbucks or GCUs (Grand Union Credits) and be read at any approved data terminal. Attempting to hack the card chip usually leads to voiding the card. They are now accepted at a number of locations outside of the Union.

GRAND UNION CREDITS have the equivalent monetary weight of Warbucks for as long as the GU treasury can make good on its debts.


There's a statue in their square of their war hero, "Devildog" Drake


Many years before The Fall, advances in cryogenic stasis made the possibility of keeping humans preserved for long periods a reality. However, the high cost of such preservation made it prohibited to all but the wealthy, or government programs. With the threat of nuclear destruction looming on the horizon, interest in these techniques gained favor. The reality was that any sort of fallout shelter was unlikely to sustain survivors for very long. It made far more sense to stop the clock as it were, and return to the Earth's surface when radiation levels subsided.


The prototype U.S. space shuttle PASITHEA embarked on a secret test mission. its goal was to test cryostasis on a small number of astronauts. They would be awakened after a short period by an encoded signal transmitted from Earth. That signal, unfortunately, would never come. The astronauts remained in suspended animation, finally receiving a thaw after the Pasithea detected lower radiation on the Earth's surface. something it was supposed to monitor in the event of a nuclear holocaust.


A number of cryonic chambers were also built on Earth by various governments and powerful eccentrics. Some were secreted in heavily fortified bunkers, others concealed beneath rather mundane locations. One such location was a number of Q-Mart SuperSaverStores, known only to their founder and CEO, Mervin McGriffin. When the apocalypse came, it's quite possible that a number of survivors stumbled upon these units and deduced their intended purpose.


Nearly a century has passed since the Fall. Survivors have long looked to ancient ruins for items and goods that may still be salvageable. Many of these now turn out to be broken or unusable, although items of sturdy metal and plastic may still find use. Resourceful individuals have always made the best use of whatever they could find.

The survivors of this age barter frequently, and a roll of duct tape, intact spark plug or bottle of liquor can just as frequently end a dispute as cause one. The spit-shake is also the accepted means to seal a deal, and anyone who reneges is sure to face scorn.

Today, some small bit of manufacturing has returned. The Troubleshooters employ small shops to craft or maintain what they need, while the Grand Union has made great progress in restoring old factories and putting them to use again. Manufactured parts are usually limited to pieces that can see widespread use or be used interchangeably.

Clothing is often homespun, made by leatherworkers or else acquired from long abandoned sites. Piecemeal armor is often employed, although the Union's Peacekeepers often employ hard plastics or ceramic armors remaining from the Last War.

Weapons range from salvaged antiques to newer machined types. Carbines that fire rocks or metal shrapnel are also common. Experimental plasma weapons and railguns have turned up and are coveted most of all. It is said that the Lorekeepers collect and store ancient technology to prevent its misuse. Some say it is less safeguarding than it is ensuring that only they control it.

Wasters usually depend on their own feet or animals for transportation, but gas and diesel powered vehicles still see use. Fighting over fuel resources is constant, and gangs of vehicular marauders are led by warlords quick to seize such assets. Other means of travel might also include gliders, small ornithopters or helicopters and even the curious grav-gliders unearthed by the Lorekeepers. Grav-glider couriers sometimes carry messages between the various territories, and it's considered a high crime to shoot one down. There is always talk of re-establishing railway lines, but the effort, materials and cooperation involved in keeping miles of rail safe and well-maintained seems to discourage it from ever happening.


During the time of the Last War, revolutionary advances in robotics for military applications were made.   Massive, automated death machines were constructed, primarily intended to be a valuable line of defense should America be invaded. After the Fall, many of these units would lie dormant, while others became activated through unknown means. Programmed with directives that no longer apply, these dangerous war machines roam the wastes. Some seek to gain control of them, while others hope to strip the of valuable parts, materials and power sources. Many military robots are still well-armed, so be mindful of this when encountering them.

Although functional prosthetics were often well beyond the means of average folk before the Fall, the means to produce cybernetically enhanced soldiers existed. Old military caches were found that contained artificial limbs and organs that could be fitted to a person with minimal medical expertise required. This would lead to a black market for such parts to enhance or repair those willing to accept the dangerous grafts. Cyber-docs began to appear, all too willing to butcher and attach for the right price. Many have died from infection or bionic rejection, but it's a risk some are willing to take.


To the people of pre-Fall society, androids were simply the stuff of science fiction. Yet they existed, developed in the hopes that they would one day assist humanity. The scientists of Team Mu once announced they had perfected such a thing, but their earliest prototypes were scoffed at by their peers in the scientific community. However, those with vision (and the bucks) to finance their research demanded that the work be continued. The result was a number of androids that have been in operation since the Fall or else have remained inactive, waiting for some purpose to be given to them.

Encountered androids may seem not very humanlike at all to near human in every way. One mad scientist prefers the latter, and has very specific plans in mind for them.


Not only are the wastes home to plenty of creatures that have always presented a danger to humans, such as poisonous vermin, lizards and wild packs of filthy curs, but they hold terrors born from years of radioactive and chemical contaminant exposure. Giant varieties of predators exist, such as giant scorpions and other monstrosities. Luckily they do not reproduce frequently, or the human race would be extinct already.

Other horrors known to exist include rad zombies, warwolves, mutant coyotes, doombunnies and glow worms, just to name a few.


The devastation of The Fall was horrific in ways that could never be imagined. Although nuclear weapons had been used, radioactive fallout did not seem to persist in some areas for more than a few years. There are of course, areas that remain highly radioactive even today. However, it would not be radioactivity that blighted the Earth for so long.

Chemical contaminants filled the air and leeched into the soil. Everything from burning oil fields to toxic chemicals spills contributed to pollution of the air, soil and water.

Many species of wildlife died, while new, twisted species began to emerge, better suited to surviving in the harsh conditions. Survivors found food sources grew scarce. Those who would attempt to grow crops often saw widespread failure or were poisoned by the fruits of their labor. Many would die from starvation and disease before new solutions could be found. Humans and mutants alike often resorted to cannibalism, and it is still practiced by those barbaric enough to engage in it.

Today, thriving communities have once again been able to harvest crops and collect resources, although shortages are common. Famine is never far off. Sources of clean drinking water are also prized. Water reclamators exist in some areas that collect moisture from the air or extract water from waste. Water itself is a precious commodity that can always be traded.

Areas ruined by chemical or radioactive contamination still pose a danger to wasters. Those possessing Geiger counters, gas masks and water testing kits stand the greatest chance of traversing great distances and surviving. However, clouds of toxic gas, acid rain, airborne pollutants and sources of infectious diseases that have continued to mutate since The Fall are ever-present dangers.

Although the average human now has a greater resistance to certain carcinogens, contaminants and low levels of radiation, this affects the gene pool. For those able to reproduce, there is some fear of doing so. More and more mutants are born to normal parents. These children face banishment in some communities. The mutant population that has formed a number of tribes over the years are not always quick to embrace outsiders, as they have their own mouths to feed. There is the thought among members of one tribe that a race of ultimate mutants must be bred, and it is their destiny to rule upon the blighted Earth. These mutants persecute and kill normal humans. Some believe those in the Grand Union share this level of prejudice, a "Kill or be killed," "Winner takes all" mindset. As harsh as the G.U.'s treatment of mutants and anti-mutant sentiment may be, this has never been publicly declared.


Human history is full of accounts of people possessing extraordinary mental talents including clairvoyance and telekinesis. Prior to the Fall, the idea of such a thing was widely regarded as explainable intuition, superstition or the work of charlatans. However, scientists continued to study various phenomenon such as Extra Sensory Perception. Some believed that various governments conducted their own secret research into identifying individuals who possessed such potential and heightening these abilities.

In the aftermath of the apocalypse, it was found that some people did manifest certain mental powers. This seemed to be more prevalent among mutants, and even those who appeared fully human were sometimes ostracized if they showed such abilities. Others were recognized for their value and revered or even worshipped in certain instances. This would also pave the way for a new breed of charlatans who claimed to have mental powers.

Precognitive abilities seem to be the most common among psis (short for psychics or psionics,) although telekinesis amd pyrokinesis are not unheard of. Most psis are not as powerful as the bizarre beings of pre-Fall fiction stories, but they can still be formidable in many ways. It seems though that the more power such beings possess, the more they become inflicted with physical health problems or mental instability.

Old stories of men and women bred and trained to be elite psychic operatives have persisted. If such beings somehow survived all these years, they haven't made their presence known. Perhaps it is their descentants who walk among us now.


The Wastes can be treacherous to those unwilling to take the law into their own hands. In the loosely civilized settlements, laws are whatever the local people or rulers say they are. Failing to understand laws and penalties can lead to harsh punishments including death.

The Troubleshooters travel far and wide to eliminate threats against survivors and their families and seek to end conflicts and negotiate disputes. Sometimes their interference is resented. Troubleshooters also enforce basic laws against theft and murder. They will also attempt to bring fugitives in who've escaped justice.

The Peacekeepers enforce the laws of the Grand Union but may be found outside of that territory when so commanded, such as going after raiders or other criminal elements. Criminals in the G.U. are tattooed with barcodes. If they are spared death, they may be imprisoned or sentenced to forced labor. Those who escape or commit transgressions are identified when caught so their criminal history is known. This system also helps bounty hunters recognize such individuals. Purposeful scarring or surgery to hide such a tattoo is risky, as they are placed on the back of the neck.

Breaking a deal in most communities is regarded as a terrible sin. This usually results in  forfeiture of goods, freedom or even one's life. In matters where two parties both allege they have been wronged, the matter is decided by a local magistrate or leader or the outcome of a fight to the death.

Smaller communities may have different laws or some form of tribal justice. This can involve bizarre forms of penance, indentured servitude, maiming or even ending up as the next meal.

An old saying told to people regarding any sort of transgression is:

"If you're gonna do it, don't get caught."


The aptly named Barrons are a coalition of oil barons and cattle ranchers who stlll maintain some of the region's biggest exports. They fiercely defend their resources, with the bulk of their armament located at Fort Bliss. From here, convoys are sometimes sent out into the New Mexico wastes. Although the Grand Union has gotten some oil wells and refineries up and running and there are some other other scatttered sources of fuel, the Barrons are still a valuable partner. The Texans also realize that they cannot fend off the hordes of wild mutants and raiders alone, and also trade tech, other goods and commodities as well as valuable information.

The Barrons are named after Richard Barron, an old world oil tycoon who is said to have kept the oil fields from burning completely after the Fall. None of his kin survived, and the leaders of this cadre simply kept the name as a title.

A few of years ago, a large convoy was attacked by a well-armed, seemingly organized group of mutants who made off with every vehicle and left few survivors. However, some believe it might have been a set up by another faction. Since then, convoy guards have been quick to shoot first and ask questions later.

Shipments of cattle are also a juicy target. Healthy livestock can be an exceptionally rare commodity. The term "steak dinner" has become synonymous with any kind of windfall or good fortune. The best most people can ever hope for is lizard, goat or whatever might be found roaming in the wild. Calling something "beef" also means it's of exceptionally good quality or very desirable.


Original content copyright 2024


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